About The Business

PT. Tri Andalan Nusa engagaes in the sales and transportation of coal, and our company is involved in a Joint Operation with PT. Kasih Karya Agung and  PT. Citra Bara Raya coal mining. 

Not only in Coal Trading industry, PT. Tri Andalan Nusa also engages in renewable energy field. Providing EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction), thus, it is a total system solution in the renewable energy field. 


About PT Tri Andalan Nusa


PT. Tri Andalan Nusa is a limited liability company established in 2018 under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia and based on Deed of Establishment No. 32 dated October 25, 2018.

PT. Tri Andalan Nusa holds a Special Operation Mining Business License for Coal Transportation and Sales No. 79/1/IUP/PMDN/2019 dated February 25, 2019, with a validity period of 5 (five) years.

The primary focus of our business activities is on the trading of natural resources, particularly coal mining, in the regions of South Sumatra, Jambi, and Kalimantan.

With an extensive network, professional work ethics, and a commitment to providing high-quality services, we believe that we can deliver consistent and value-added services to achieve our common goals.



Our Vision : To become the leading coal trading company in Indonesia, ready to provide innovative, reliable, and responsible solutions for partners in need of coal trading services, ensuring that each of our partners receives maximum benefits.

Our Mission : To provide the best service to mining companies and to commit to optimal quality and service for our business partners.


Joint Operation Partners

PT. Kasih Karya Agung (KKA) holds the legality for production operations through the Decision of the Governor of South Sumatra Number: 656/KPTS/DISTAMBEN/2014 dated October 17, 2014, covering an area of approximately 575.2 hectares, valid for 20 (twenty) years.

PT. KKA has also obtained the Clear and Clean (CnC) certificate issued by the Directorate General of Minerals with No. 521/BB/03/2015.


PT. Citra Bara Raya (CBR) obtained the legality for production operations through the Regent of Lahat's Decision Number: 503/287/KEP/PERTAMBEN/2012 dated October 11, 2012, covering an area of approximately 804 hectares, valid for 14 (fourteen) years.

PT. CBR has also obtained the Clear and Clean (CnC) certificate issued by the Directorate General of Minerals with No. 419/Bb/03/2014.



Company Legalities

‣ Certificate of Establishment No. 32, dated October 25, 2018

‣ Ministry of Law and Human Rights Decree No. AHU-0053807.AH.01.01 of 2018

‣ Special Business License for Transportation and Sales No. 79/1/IUP/PMDN/2019

‣ Company Domicile No. 503/574-Yan.Um/X/2020

‣ Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) No. 86.497.288.0-416.000

‣ Business Registration Number (NIB) 8120511111049

‣ Trading Business License (SIUP) issued on November 14, 2018